Sustainable Design

Dutch Design Daily

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Anouk van Kampen Wieling & Nina Dekker constructtosurvive.com

Unconventional Overload

By 27-01-2021

Anouk van Kampen Wieling and Nina Dekker met during Dutch Design Week in 2019, a couple of months after they both graduated. They immediately connected over their shared love of workwear, unconventional materials and oversized silhouettes. Both being fashion designers with a strong focus on material development and visual storytelling, they were curious to see where a collaboration could lead them. ‘Unconventional Overload’ is the result of that deep dive, which took them from Dutch fisherman garments to Chinese tea carriers and everything in between.

Anouk and Nina both collect unconventional textiles, such as rubber boats, car covers and old tents. The details in these materials became the starting point to explore a new aesthetics, using the silhouettes that the research on workwear and vintage military garments brought. The resulting garments challenged Anouk and Nina to explore new ways to present them, without the use of mannequins, in a way that suggests a body or a posture as a way to bring them to life.

Participants ‘FASHIONCLASH Festival’
Digital Edition
26-28 February, 2021

Photos: Scott van Kampen Wieling, Peter Stigter